
Benedict, Marie: Her hidden genius
Cornwell, Patricia: Autopsy
Cumming, Charles: Box 88
Evison, Jonathan: Small world
Gardner, Lisa: One step too far
Gonzalez, Xochitl: Olga dies dreaming
Hawkins, Rachel: Reckless girls
Kim Juhea: Beasts of a little land
Lutz, Lisa: The accomplice
Morris, Wanda: All her little secrets
Picoult, Jodi: Wish you were here
Rutherfurd, Edward: China


Bowden, Mark: The steal: The attempt to overturn the 2020 election and the people who stopped it
Brown, Brene: Atlas of the heart: Mapping meaningful connection and the language of human experience
Caesar, Ed: The moth and the mountain: A true story of love, war, and Everest
Curnow, Vera: Drawing and sketching: Expert answers to the questions every artist asks
Ghosh, Amitav: The nutmeg’s curse: Parables for a planet in crisis
Swift, Earl: Across the airless wilds: The lunar rover and the triumph of the final moon landings