The Vermont Department of Libraries includes a special library of materials called the ABLE Library (Audio, Braille, Large Print, and Electronic Resources), which provides services to the visually impaired and print disabled. The ABLE Library has over 9,000 circulating Large Print titles, and the collection is growing! The Whiting Library receives a rotating selection of Large Print Books from the ABLE Library each quarter, which are available for check out at the Whiting Library according to our normal borrowing policies. Here are the available Large Print books for you to enjoy between now and the end of March! You can call or email to request a title. And remember, you can also order specific Large Print titles through interlibrary loan. Just ask!

James Patterson: The Warning
Tracee de Hahn: Swiss Vendetta
Isabel Allende: In the Midst of Winter
Jean Cummins: American Dirt
Debbie MaComber: Window on the Bay
Colleen Coble: The House at Saltwater Point
Anne Hillerman: Cave of Bones
Robin MacArthur: Heart Spring Mountain

Please share the information about the ABLE Library and our Large Print collection with your people who may not have access to or enjoying using the internet. Thank you!